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Brief Definition of Calligraphy
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A Brief Definition of Calligraphy

Although hand written forms of communication have decreased over the years, calligraphy has been on a huge upswing in popularity.  This is not surprising.  Why you might wonder?  Possibly, because the ideas are almost limitless in ways in which to utilize this beautiful and graceful art form.  There is still discussion as to whether this is technically considered to be a studied style of hand writing or an art form of drawing the letters. The debate still continues on. Either way, both mind sets seem to agree that it is worth learning and therefore using.
The timeless charm and beauty of calligraphy has embellished, religious,  educational and historical documents and books.  It continues to present day to be found on everything from gift tags and wedding invitations to logos and birth announcements. The word calligraphy is believed to have come from the words “kalli” which means "beautiful"and "graphein" or “graphia” which means "writing". But it seems so much more.  It is a graceful and expressionistic art form.  Once learned, it can enhance a huge array of projects.
It is believed that calligraphy first came about during 600 BC around the same time as the birth of latin. It became very popular in Rome.  During the 7th century it was used mainly for religious documents. By the time of the 11th century Gothic script was becoming more of the common style used.  In the 1700’s, scribes from England had designed a new style which was titled Round Hand.
In such a fast paced world there is something very calming yet exciting to be able to convey a simple thought or detailed project with your very own hands.  Calligraphy styles, whether classic or modern, is an almost meditative exercise which involves the flowing execution of strokes to be made to look formal and classic, or bouncy, almost happy looking letters in appearance. These varied styles can help to communicate your very own personal thoughts and ideas and can become an art form that you find yourself looking forward to creating more as each day passes.
Photo by Anna Tarazevich